Welcome To Cheddar The Cat

Welcome To

Cheddar The Cat

Cheddar The Cat is a hand designed NFT collection based on a real cat who one night years ago followed my sister while she was walking home from work and never left.

Welcome To Cheddar The Cat

His constant need for affection he gave my sister and my youngest niece the happiest years and memories they will always treasure.

Welcome To Cheddar The Cat

But with years comes age and unfortunately Cheddar became too ill to live without pain and wasn't himself anymore.

Welcome To Cheddar The Cat

With great care and love he was laid to rest this past year.
My niece (now age 8) recently said she wanted to create a book about Cheddar. We are doing that but I thought making Cheddar an internet star might be a cool start.

Inspired by a real cat named Cheddar